Sunday, August 16, 2009

Acum, eu sint voluntar.

Some darn good looking Volunteers being sworn in for two years of service.

Accepting my Oath of Service from the Country Director of Peace Corps Moldova.

Giving a presentation to all of the host families.

Some fellow Volunteers wearing traditional Moldovan outfits but acting American.

My buddy Neal and I with our host families on our last day with them.

We had a big celebration for our former host families to show them thanks for putting up with us for the past 8 weeks during our pre-service training. Two weeks leading up to the party, we practiced dancing the hora (traditonal Moldovan dance) with our Romanian teachers, and we presented it to all of the host families. There's two tall dudes in the video. I'm the tall dude on the right at the beginning of the dance.

Tomorrow or the next day I'll post some pics of my new village and house. Fii sanatos.


  1. Son,

    The Moldovan Dance "Hora" is contagious and you guys did a great job. Pics are great and your love for Moldova only grows with each day. I feel the excitement and enjoy each and every day that you are there almost as if I was there. In your voice, in your pics and just being you. Lucky me and your host families. Talk to you soon and keep journal rolling. Love it. Love and miss you Momma

  2. aww, the hora looks so fun! ain't got nothing on the LT shuffle though, hahaha. miss you!
